theories of how a child develops throughout their childhood and into their
years before they become adults is something that has been studied by many
psychologist. It is a topic that fascinates many theorist because this is when
a person learns and adapts the most during these years. One such theorist is
Soviet psychologist Lev Vygotsky who developed a theory in which is based on
who children learn from their community and their culture and how these are
important factors in how a child develops. The Three major parts of the theory
are the Zone of Proximal Development also known as the ZPD, the More
Knowledgeable Other known as MKO, and Scaffolding. Each of these three are part
of the theory work together in the development of the child’s mind and can be
used in a classroom setting in order to further the education of the student.
Vygotsky’s Theory
In order to explain the other parts
of the theory first it has to be known who the More Knowledgeable Other is and
how their role is used in the education of the student. The MKO can be anyone
that the student is exposed to, it can be a parent, a teacher, or someone who
has the knowledge that the student needs. According to Saul McLeod (2007) the
MKO doesn’t have to be an adult, McLeod says “Although the implication is that
the MKO is a teacher or an older adult, this is not necessarily the case. Many
times, a child's peers or an adult's children may be the individuals with more
knowledge or experience.” This explains that anyone within the child’s range
can teach them something. Vygotsky’s theory is based mainly on the interactions
of the student within the social spectrum of their lives. Since students
interact with many different types of people then they’ll learn different
things from these people, even if what they learn is from their school aged
peers. In a classroom setting students who struggle with a particular topic can
ask either their teacher or their fellow students for help to further their
second major part of the theory is the Zone of Proximal Development, the ZPD is
based on the principle that a student’s knowledge is always developing. The
Zone of Proximal Development is divided by two parts, first is their zone current
development and secondly is their potential development which is the zone of
proximal development or their potential knowledge. Liechty, Liao, and Schull
(2009) three Ph.D students wrote that “A student's ZCD is derived from his or her current
individual aptitude, skills, and knowledge in a particular area and represents
the level of mastery that can be achieved with-out external assistance.”
(p.483) after which they would need a more knowledgeable other to help them
further their knowledge. This theory is demonstrated in figure 1 below,
Figure 1.0
The student will always ask how they
can achieve something but many time they would need the help of someone else in
order to achieve this. The potential development of the mind is something that
has to be achieved with the knowledge of a teacher, such as when a child is
learning to bake for the first time after seeing their parent do it over the
years. They will first ask how they can bake something, at their present level
of development they only know that it involves mixing ingredients but don’t
know what those ingredients are. With the help of a more knowledgeable other
such as a parent they will learn the steps to baking. At first they would be
taught everything, the second time they want to try they would be aided by the
parent without the parent helping too much. This process is called scaffolding
which is the third part of the theory in which the more knowledgeable other
will provide the support needed for the student but won’t help them completely.
By helping the student when they only need to be helped then they will learn
the process for themselves instead of relying too much on the help of others. According
to Samuel James
Eddy (2010) scaffolding “draws parallels from real scaffolding for
buildings; it is used as a support for construction of new material (the
skill/information to be learnt) and then removed once the building is complete
(the skill/information has been learnt).” A teacher is the support that the student needs in order to
learn a new skill and will help them as they see fit but as they learn the
material they will aid them less and less so that they can come up with their
own conclusions and answers.
Vygotsky’s Theory in a Classroom
When observing a teacher in a classroom they have to be
able to reach not just one student but many students at a time. The teacher is
the more knowledgeable other and has to help out a group of as many as 15 to 25
students at a time. The teacher has to adapt many theories to help their
students and Vygotsky’s theory is one that helps students especially when they
are reviewing for exams and are trying to remember a lot of information at
once. During classroom observations for a Middle and High School education
class I had the opportunity to see this theory work for a class of students. It
was an early morning U.S. History class and the teacher was trying to keep the
students engaged in the topic. The students were in an English as a Second
Language class and many of the words and definitions were difficult for them to
grasp. What made it even more difficult was that many of these students were
more comfortable speaking Spanish than they were speaking English. The teacher
had the students speak the words aloud and then had them say what they meant
only helping them when they couldn’t think of the correct word in English. In
another class by this teacher she was helping the students review key terms
that they would need to know for the U.S. History Regents exam instead of
directly helping them the teacher would say the term and then have the students
say what they believed the meaning was. This was based on how well they know
certain words so to help them the teacher used current events and topics to
help the students come to their own answers on what the words meant.
Since so much of Vygotsky’s theory is based on a child’s
community growing up its easy to see how this works in a classroom setting. The
problem is that in certain communities students aren’t exposed to the same type
of development that other communities would have. Not all teachers are prepared
to teach in an urban setting if they grew up and got their education in a rural
community. The other part of this is that Vygotsky only studied students until
just before their teenage years, yet this theory can be used during these years
and even beyond because a person’s current development can always change
because the ability for potential knowledge is always a possibility. Such as
someone in their 40’s wants to learn how to salsa dance or a university student
who happens to be in their 70’s, a person can always learn more and gain
knowledge that is well beyond their reach and make it into something that they
Works Cited
Eddy, S. (2010, November
3). Theories of Cognitive Development: Lev Vygotsky. Retrieved January 15,
2015, from
Liechty, J. M., Liao, M., & Schull, C. P. (2009).
Facilitating Dissertation Completion and Success Among Doctoral Students in
Social Work. Journal Of Social Work Education, 45(3), 481-497.
McLeod, S. (2007, January 1). Vygotsky | Simply
Psychology. Retrieved January 23, 2015, from
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