Note: This story does have certain situations that may not be suitable for anyone under the age of 15 (Thought that I should write this because I don't want to get in trouble.)
The hallway outside Jack’s dorm room was empty and quiet. Everyone was having dinner around this time. Just in case Jack kept checking if anyone would arrive and ruin his night.
The hallway outside Jack’s dorm room was empty and quiet. Everyone was having dinner around this time. Just in case Jack kept checking if anyone would arrive and ruin his night.
“It’s time,” Jack said.
Rushing back into his room Jack changed
into his leather Batman suit, pulling on his boots, strapping on his utility
belt, and lastly pulling on his mask. Standing in front of the mirror he used
his roommate’s eye black and filled in the area around his eyes.
“Now I must serve…
Justice,” he said in a dark raspy voice.
Jack opened the door, flipped his cape
and took off running down the empty hallway. Adjusting his mask to better fit
his face as he ran, his cape flying behind him. As Jack turned the corner his
roommate Adam appeared in front of him.
“Oh for fucks sake take
that off already, it’s almost Thanksgiving,” Adam said as Jack stopped in front
of him.
“Batman doesn’t take a
holiday,” Jack replied in his raspy voice.
“Batman should remember
that he’s a college student and not a crime fighter.”
“I’m Batman, College
cannot hold me.”
“I knew I should have
taken you to the hospital when you fell at the Halloween party but I just
thought hey he’s drunk, now I’m thinking you’re just fucking crazy,” Adam said.
“Batman is not crazy,
you must be referring to my archenemy the Joker.”
Adam threw up his arms and turned to
walk away.
“Well if Batman decides
he wants to be just Jack again, my roommate and best friend can you tell him
I’ll be in our room,” Adam said as he walked away.
Jack continued forward
and reached the staircase door, pushing it opened the door slammed against the
wall causing it to crack the foundation. Jack ran up the stairs to the roof and
walked out onto the snow covered night. The dorm was only three stories up but
the view of the small upstate New York town was visible from the roof. Jack
walked towards the edge and stood there surveying his surroundings. The air was
crisp and unforgiving. The night would be a cold one but for Jack his leather
suit would keep him warm.
“I’m Batman,” he
screamed out into the night. A few students below saw him and started pointing
towards him.
“Hey check it out,”
Jack said turning to his roommate.
“What did you find?”
Adam asked.
“This place is selling
a replica Batman costume from the Dark Knight and it’s pretty cheap.”
“What you want to be
Batman for Halloween?”
“Yeah, do you think
Serena would be my cat woman?”
“You want to dress up
with your girlfriend for the Halloween party as Batman and Cat woman? Because
if I didn’t think you were a total nerd before then I most definitely think you
are now,” Adam laughed.
“Stop laughing, she
would look super-hot in a cat woman’s leather suit, the Michelle Pfeiffer one
not the one that Anne Hathaway had.”
“Yeah she would!”
“Dude that’s my girl,
no dirty thoughts.”
“Yeah yeah,” Adam said
“But let’s finish our project before then I need a B average to stay on the
football team.”
“No worries I’ll help
you, I need to keep a 4.0 average to keep my scholarship anyway.”
“So how are you going
to convince Serena to do this insanity?”
“I don’t really have
“Why the hell not? I
want to see how this insane conversation is going to go.”
“Well I already asked
her when we talked about going to the party. We just never got around to
talking about the details.”
“You two make me sick,”
Adam said. “Oh I just remembered are you going to use that thing?”
“Yeah, my Uncle and I
tested it over the summer. The whole thing works like a fully functioning
batman utility belt. I was saving it to go to Comic Con with but I never got to
go because Serena wanted to spend time at home,” Jack said.
“So you did meet her
family over the summer,” Adam said
“Yup, and weirdly
enough they approve,” Jack smiled “Anyway what time did Jacob say the party
started again so I can tell Serena.”
“He said to come after
10 because he was going to get together with someone, but I know the party
starts at 9.”
Jack pulled out his
phone and sent Serena a message with the details adding a winking fact at the
end. The phone buzzed right away, Jack smiled and turns to Adam.
“Cool, Serena said she was going to meet
us there at 10.”
“Stop smiling, anyway why are you
texting her you guys have a date this weekend.”
“Yeah I know but I still like to tell
her things.”
“Jack get off the roof
before someone calls the cops,” Adam yelled from the first floor but Jack
ignored him.
“I have to talk to
Commissioner Gordon,” Jack yelled down in his raspy voice.
“The hell you do, get
the fuck off the roof. Everyone already thinks you’re crazy,” Adam said.
“I’m not crazy, I’m
Batman,” he said.
Twenty minutes had
passed since Jack had appeared on the roof. He was waiting for the signal so
that he would go off and fight crime. Adam kept yelling for him to come down
but Jack wouldn’t go down until he had to fight crime. Next to Adam two girls
were laughing at Jack.
“Shit man, you have
people laughing at you,” Adam yelled.
“Adam what the hell is
going on?” Micah their dorm advisor said.
“Dude, it’s a long
story and it’s too damn cold to tell you right now. Can you just find a way to
get Jack’s stupid ass down from the roof,” Adam said
“I’ll have to call
campus police, but they’ll just call the police.”
“Oh man really?” Adam
said as Micah pulled out his phone.
“Hey Serena,” Jack said
as he kissed Serena.
“Hey back at you,”
Serena said.
“So I have a question?”
“Is this about me being
cat woman for Halloween?”
“Who told you?”
“Adam told me when he
went to meet Jacob before class yesterday.” She said laughing at him. “I’ll do
it but let me tell you Jacob was laughing when Adam told us. This better be a
good costume you’re wearing or else you’re going to get an ass kicking.”
“I love you,” Jack said
as he kissed her on the cheek.
“I know I know,” she
said. “Oh just so you know I have to cut our date short today, I kinda promised
Jacob that I would tutor him tonight for a test on Monday. You know he’s gotta
keep a C average.”
“I know I’ve been
helping Adam, I’m cool with it plus I have to study for my midterms.”
“I hope you aren’t
stretching yourself too thin, I don’t want a repeat of our senior year when you
ended up in the hospital because you fell asleep at the wheel.”
“I’ll remember to
sleep.” Jack said “Now let’s go have our dinner date, we need our strength so
we can help those Barnes brothers.”
The flashing lights from
the Plattsburgh campus police came rushing down the street, adding a red and
blue glow to the dark night. Two officers came out of the car, one pulled out a
“Sir please vacate the
roof before we forcefully remove you,” the officer said.
“Jack the cops are here
please get your ass down here,” Adam yelled.
“Listen to your friend
young man,” the officer said. “You don’t want us to call the city police.”
Across the parking lot
not far from where Jack stood he noticed a struggle between two people. A guy
was standing next to a red truck; he looked like he was yelling a short blonde
girl. Jack too a deep breath inhaling the cold night air.
“It’s time for me to
serve… Justice,” Jack said taking out a grappling hook that was on his belt and
pointed it across the walkway towards the next building, he shot the hook and
it entwined itself on a nearby tree. Jack pulled out one of his daggers, using
it to slide down the makeshift line. He took off running towards the parking lot,
the officers chasing him as he ran through the crowd of people who had been
staring ever since he had made it to the roof.
“Young man please
stop,” One of them yelled but Jack was too fast.
“Dude you look
ridiculous in that suit,” Adam said as they arrived at the frat party.
“Nope I think I look
great and it fits like a glove,” Jack replied.
“Is Serena going to be
cat woman?”
“She said she would
be,” Jack said searching the room for his girlfriend.
“This place is packed,”
Adam yelled as they walked through the rooms, the music was so loud it was the
only way that they would be able to hear each other.
“I’m going to look for
my girl, I’ll meet up with you in a few,” Jack yelled back Adam nodded and
headed towards center of the room.
Jack went upstairs in
search of Serena all of rooms were packed with couples flirting, kissing. The
last room belonged to the captain of the football team and Adam’s brother Jacob.
Jack knocked up no one answered, there was music flowing from the room that was
as loud as the music from the floor below. Jack decided to check who was in the
room but he knew that the sock on the door meant that someone was in there
getting busy with their girl. It was the universal rule that Jack had learned
from Adam and his brothers when he was a teenager but Jack took his chances and
opened the door anyway. The room was dimmed with black lights and it took Jack
a minute to realize what he was seeing because of the sudden darkness.
“Who the fuck opened
the door,” yelled out Adam’s brother.
The silhouettes were dark but Jack could
make out someone with a Richard Nixon Mask on their head and a girl dressed as
cat woman.
“Serena?” Jack said the
figure turned around half naked, her suit opened on the top half.
Before she could say anything Jack
slammed the door and ran back down to the party. Jack grabbed the closest
bottle of booze on the table and walked out the door. The bottle was less than
half empty when he opened it, but he didn’t care, chugging what was in it as he
walked back towards campus. Jack stomped his boots on the newly fallen snow
making an erratic trail behind him.
“I feel so stupid,” he
said behind him he could hear someone running towards him.
“Dude what the fuck
happened?” Adam said once he reached Jack.
“Nothing just found my
girl fucking your brother and thought I would rather get wasted and forget
about the whole damn thing,” Jack said.
“Damn,” Adam said “Dude
I’m sorry, I didn’t know. Seriously I didn’t know.”
“Yeah… whatever I don’t
fucking care.”
“Is there anything I
can do?” Adam said.
“Yeah, get me another
bottle of this,” Jack said holding up a now empty bottle of Grey Goose.
“Sure, give me a minute
I’ll just swipe it off the table at the party,” Adam said and ran back towards
the frat house.
Jack walked towards the art displays
that were outside the art building and sat on the pedestal of the closest one.
“I’d rather be Batman
and sleep around than talk to that bitch again,” he said then taking a long
swig from the bottle. “Damn it, it’s empty.” He said shaking the bottle hoping
more will come out. “Damn… I’m thirsty… drinking makes me thirsty,” he said and
got up off the pedestal.
“I’m Batman,” he yelled
into the night and walked off swaying from side to side. Adam appeared next to
him after a few minutes.
“Where are you going?”
Adam said.
“I need a drink… I’m
thirsty,” he said.
“Here,” Adam said
showing him another bottle of goose.
“Dude, thanks man…
You’re the best,” he said his voice slurred a bit. “Guess what?” Jack said
after taking a drink from the new bottle.
“What?” Adam asked.
“I’m going to be
batman,” Jack said and then tumbled down to the ground hitting his head on the
hard ground.
“Okay Batman, you’re
drunk so that means it’s time to go home,” Adam said taking the bottle away
from Jack as he carried his friend off.
Jack reached the
parking lot and noticed a struggle between a blonde girl he swears he had seen
before and a guy. The guy smacked her across the face and that’s when Jack knew
that he had to help her. Jumping on a nearby car Jack ran on top of them
towards the fighting duo when he reached them he lunged at the guy and threw
him to the ground. Jack started pummeling the guy in the face but after two
punches the guy threw Jack off and slammed him on the ground. The big surly guy
slammed his fist at Jack’s face one by one. The blonde girl screamed as he
pummeled his fist into Jack’s face. His right eye was nearly shut when the cops
showed up.
“Sir, stop hitting that
young man and step away from him,” one of the campus cops said.
“The fuck he attacked
me,” the big surly guy said.
Jack was relieved that he was no longer
being hit, but before he could move the guy slammed his foot into Jack’s face.
The last thing he remembered before he passed out was the scuffle between the
two cops and the surly man.
Jack woke up in the
hospital two days later, he had a severe concussion, and several bones in his
face were broken including his nose. He had a crack in his skull from the fall
he had during Halloween the doctors called him lucky because he would have died
if it weren’t for the mask he had on.
“I’m not going to party
again,” he said out loud.
The batman madness was over and done
with after his brush with that guy’s fist and he wasn’t completely over his now
ex-girlfriend but she wasn’t worth all this pain.
“Hey man, you’re awake.
How do you feel?” Adam said as he walked into the room.
“Like hell,” Jack said.
“Dude I’m sorry about
my brother and Serena,” Adam said as he sat down next to Jack.
“It’s not like you had anything
to do with it, and I now know what kind of asshole your brother really is,”
Jack said.
“So we’re still good?”
“Yeah, but I’m not
hanging at your house during break.”
“I understand, and no
worries you’ll bounce back after all this.” Adam let out a sigh. “On the bright
side I talked to your professors and they’re going to give you until
mid-January for you to finish all of your work and take your finals. So the
past few weeks will be like they never happened,” Adam told him.
“Yeah but they did
happen, but don’t worry I’ll live and love again,” Jack said with a solemn
smile and then turned his head a stared towards the window. It was snowing
again but Jack saw it as a clean slate. The snow was wiping away the problems
he faced and giving him the chance to continue to live his life.
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