When the name Don Juan is uttered in modern society people think about a suave, good looking, and womanizing man. In the literary world Don Juan is the name Lord Byron's mock epic that was written during the early 19 th century. Lord Byron is considered to be one of the great second generation romantic poets, alongside Percy Shelley and John Keats. The story of Don Juan is written into 16 separate cantos that Lord Byron wrote throughout the last six years of his life. The epic poem breaks off in the 16 th canto even though it is said that he started the 17th before his death "but even in its unfinished state Don Juan is the longest satirical poem, and indeed one of the longest poems of any kind in English." [1] The combined epic is 16,000 lines long not counting the seventeenth canto and is written in ottava Rima which was "Originally an Italian stanza of eight 11-syllable lines, with a rhyme scheme of ABABABCC." [2] The narrative is told in the ...