Note: This story is half homage to my favorite video game The Last of Us and half of a longer story that I am developing so this part may never be in the novel. I wanted to share it anyway even though I still have issues with the story as a whole. Enjoy!
sun was bearing down on the road ahead of them, the heat was so unbearable that
the streets looked like a distorted pool trying to attract a person to their
doom. At least that’s what Madison thought as she walked ahead of her traveling
companion. They had been walking together since they left New London three
weeks ago. They didn’t know much about each other but they both had the same
goal and that was to make it to the west coast. Neil was much older than she
was his hair was peppered with flecks of grey and the lines on his faces
suggested that he had been through much more than he would ever tell her since
to him she was a naïve little girl even though she was sixteen. Other than that
she didn’t ask many questions and just followed his directions. They had just
entered New York State two days ago and their supplies were already running
low. The summer heat was making everything worse since they both wore only long
sleeve clothing. There weren’t many options for her anyway since she had left
everything behind in New London with the exception of what she could carry.
Madison hadn’t been paying attention to where they were walking since they had
entered New York because the heat was so horrible, but something ahead caught
her eye and she couldn’t figure out what it was.
“Hey Neil, what’s that?” she called
out to her companion as she turned around to see if he was behind her.
“Madison I’ve already told you a
thousand times don’t walk too far ahead of me. You don’t know what’s out
there,” he said but he hadn’t answered her question.
“Yeah yeah I know,” they hadn’t run
into anything or anyone for the past three weeks but he was still cautious and
that annoyed her. “Now answer my question, what is that?” she said pointing at
the tracks coming out from the ground. She had never seen train tracks that
went underground the ones in New London were above ground.
“That little lady is the subway.
There used to be an entire network of them that ran throughout the city fifteen
years ago. Most of them have probably caved in by now.” He said
“Cool, I wonder where they lead?”
she said as she examined the tracks as they went underground. The tracks were
covered in vines that reached up each column but she could still see flecks of
yellows and orange from the old paint. A section of the track had collapsed
ahead of where they were walking the broken tracks looked like a ladder that
reached into the mouth of the dark cave.
“We’re going to have to go in
there.” Neil said as he walked up next to her. Sometimes it amazed her that he
had lived in a time when all this was possible. New London had become a modern
city and had buildings to house everyone that lived there but that was all that
there was. Why he would choose to leave with her and attempt to walk cross
country with her was as much of a mystery to her then anything. She wasn’t
allowed to ask personal questions, and neither was he, that was the deal they
made when they decided to go on this trip. So she only asked questions about
what life was like fifteen years ago. The orphanage that she grew up in told
them that there was a big war but never said anything in regards to what really
happened so everything she saw was new to her so she always asked Neil
questions about what had happened since he lived through it.
“In there but it’s dark and we don’t
know where it goes, and who knows what’s down there. There could be giant
alligators that survive on the rats. They have rat snacks. I don’t want to be
their rat snacks,” She told him.
“Where the hell did you hear
something so ridiculous?”
“Well there was this old man who
lived near where I was and he would tell me about the infamous gator that lived
in the New York City underground.” It was then that she realized how silly it
“Don’t worry it’s not the gator we
should be afraid of. Just in case grab your mask and put it on and use your
flashlight, but most likely there will be light in there somewhere.”
“Yes Sir!” she said with a salute.
The two of them climbed the
makeshift ladder that the fallen tracks had created. She was careful on each
step after she got half way up she looked up at Neil who was standing at the
stop grabbing his mask and putting it on his face. When she reached the top she
looked around to see where they were but the nearest station was too far away
to see the name. She then looked at the street below them and noticed the
amount of cars on the street they were either falling apart or corroded from
the years of rain and snow. Ahead of where they were standing there was a brick
wall that stood next to the tunnel. There was something written on it, though
it was faded she could see names sprayed on it in different colors. Neil walked
ahead of her carefully stepping on each wood track making sure they wouldn’t
collapse under his weight.
“Quit dilly dallying and get your
ass over here,” his yell was muffled through his mask.
“Alright already don’t get all
worked up old man,” she said and then put her mask on. She hated the way it
felt and the way it smelled like rubber but Neil was all about protection and
she wasn’t about to go against him. They always used tunnels to travel because
Neil didn’t want to be exposed to any attacks from others that may live in any
they entered the tunnel she reached for her flashlight and turned it on and
pointed it ahead to see what was there. The tracks ahead were flooded with
water that reached her knees. Neil pointed at the side of the tracks where
there was a walk way and the two of them made their way to higher ground. He
didn’t like making much noise when they were walking through places that were
once overly crowded he swore that something was going to jump out and attack.
They walked in silence for a few minutes until they reached an open platform.
Just before they stepped on the platform Neil grabbed a rock that was on the
floor and threw it towards the center and then he waited. It was quiet on the
platform except for her heart pounding in her chest and her ears.
quiet come on let’s keep going,” he said and began walking forward, Madison
slowly followed behind him.
stepped in front of what looked like an old map and began studying it, as she
got closer she realized that it was a map of the underground trains. Towards
the center it had a little red circle and just above it the words ‘you are
here’ were written. She looked at it closer and saw the station name. They were
on 149th and Grand Concourse.
where do we go from here?” she asked
have to get into the city,” he said studying the map further. “We need
supplies, where should we go?” he mumbled to himself “Our best option right now
is to get in between the tunnels so I guess we’re going to 42nd,” He
infamous 42nd?” Madison asked and when he nodded in confirmation she
smiled through her mask. The books she had seen growing up showed the city as
on big bright light and Times Square was at the center.
to get your hopes up but they bombed the hell out of the city fifteen years ago
so there may not be much to look at,” he said.
worries, I’m still looking forward to it,” she told him and he nodded. “Can I
ask you something?”
long as it’s not…” he started but she cut him off before he could finish.
I know, it’s not personal.” She said
go ahead.”
you tell me how all of this happened?” it was an honest question because everything
she learn was white washed and that when the war was over we were victorious.
Except they never talked about who the war was against or how it started or
even the fact that it wasn’t a war against countries but against something like
a disease.
the school teach you all of this in history?” he asked but she shook her head.
“What the hell are they teaching you kids then? This isn’t something that they
shouldn’t have just glanced over.”
they didn’t teach us anything useful,” she said.
all I can really say is that a virus spread throughout the world fifteen years
ago. All the governments of the world thought that they could contain it. In
the end they couldn’t so they believed that the next best option was to bomb
the cities that were the most affected by the disease. They swore it was the
best way to contain it but they also killed millions of people in the process.”
kind of… morbid,” she said.
was their way of dealing with the problem. Come on lets go we have to walk
through these tunnels and I don’t want to be stuck down here when night comes,”
he said.
the two of them walked down the station and into the next she thought about her
life before she decided to leave New London. She had been an orphan all of her
life with only her brother as her family but he had died when he was sixteen, she
was five. Then in the state orphanage all of the children were subjected to a
series of medical test and pills every day. She was allowed to go to school but
the orphans had to follow the rules and take the medication because they didn’t
have families. She knew that if she had stayed she would have been subjected to
experiments and treatments for several diseases but now she knew that it was
just for one. She looked at Neil as he stepped carefully towards the new
station, always looking around checking everything that was in front of them. He
was her chance at finding the one thing she had to hope for. Her parents.
Before her brother had died he had given her a box he told her not to open it
until she was old enough it was locked and she couldn’t open it so she
remembered pushing it aside and playing with the only toys she had. She had
forgotten about it until a month ago because she had found a key inside her
brother’s old journal. There was a letter that was inside of the box, now it
was inside of her backpack it was the one thing that she had that would keep
her moving forward. All that was written on it was two simple sentences:
‘They’re on the West Coast. Find them.’
It was scribbled
in her brother’s hand writing but she knew what it meant and she knew that she
had to find her parents.
“Pay attention,” Neil said as she
almost stepped off the platform.
“Sorry,” She mumbled.
The two of them continued forward
through the dark tunnels, some were filled with water that went up to her waist
and she had to struggle through the water hoping that she wouldn’t drown. At
every station Neil would check to see if there was a way out but most of the
entrances were blocked by giant gates beyond them were cars and debris from the
surrounding buildings. When they reached the 59th street station
they saw the fading light of the sun streaming through one of the gates. They
didn’t have much time until nightfall and she knew that it worried Neil when
they were out in the open at night.
“One more station kid.” He said as
we walked on.
They were going
further into the tunnels that went underground but there wasn’t any more water
on the ground. Almost as if something was blocking the water from rushing into
the area.
“Something’s weird,” she said to
“Yeah I can see that.”
They continued on towards the
station without the water on the tracks it was easier to move forward without
the sloshing sound but now her sneakers squeaked because of all the water they
had already walked through. The squeaking sound got louder and louder as they
entered the station, echoing off the grime covered tile walls.
“Come on I’ll give you a boost.” He
said motioning her forward towards where he was standing.
squatted down and folded his hands together and boosted her up towards the
dirty platform. As she climbed up her hands slipped on the grime covered
platform, her hands were covered in the dust and dirt that covered most of the
station and she tried her best to rub it off on her pants. As she stepped away
Neil climbed onto the platform and stood next to her. Once again he was
listening for something though she was never sure what it was that he always
listened for. He put his finger in front of his mask motioning for her to stay
quite as they walked forward. She followed him towards a nearby staircase and
tried her best to keep her shoes from squeaking was they walked forward. When
they reached the top he gave the okay to talk and then took off his mask.
it safe?” she said motioning towards his face and when he nodded she took hers
off too. “How do you know?”
light coming from the escalator over there, which means that a part of the roof
collapsed,” he said.
if there’s fresh air coming in that means that it’s safe to breathe?”
yes and sometimes no. This time yes there’s enough fresh air coming in here. In
the tunnels it was more about the fumes that may have built up that’s why I had
you wear your mask.”
from what the rats?” she had seen a couple of them running around when they
were walking.
and possibly those gators too.” He said to her with a wide grin on his face. “Come
on, you want to see something awesome?” he said and she nodded.
walked forward and she bounced on her heels as she followed him up the broken
escalator and down the corridor towards the center of the building. A piece of
the ceiling was broken which allowed the light to filter inside so when she
looked up she saw the ceiling. It was an aqua blue color with designs flowing
amongst each other. There were stars next to many of them signaling the
constellations that were always in the sky.
the greatest painting I have ever seen,” she said grinning back at him.
that’s enough sightseeing for now let’s see what we can find in this place.”
the next hour or so the two of them explored the insides of the ruined palace
of the stars. They found little bits of supplies that could get them through a
few days until the next stop on their journey. There was a small bookstore on
one side where they found a map of the United States which Neil found useful to
lead them forwards. She found a couple of candy bars in the drug store that was
next door to the bookstore.
all set?” she asked.
we are little lady!” he said motioning towards the doors that were on top of
the ramp. They were going outside again and hopefully she would get the chance
to see the infamous Times Square as they made their way towards the river. As
they rounded the corner towards the ramp Neil stopped her and pulled her back
against the wall. In the distance they could hear two voices coming towards
them but she couldn’t figure out where they were coming from. He motioned for
her to stay quiet and then he turned off his flashlight, she did the same so
they wouldn’t be spotted. The sound of the two men was coming from behind them
where a set of doors were at the far end of the corridor. If Neil took them up
the ramp they would be spotted immediately and she didn’t know what they would
do to the both of them if they were captured. Neil motioned for her to stay in
the shadows and the two of them moved back towards the center of the building.
in the ticket station,” he told her handing over his backpack and taking out
the only weapon he had available that still had ammunition his handgun.
want to help,” she said but he shook his head. The only weapon she had was a
crossbow but she was down to three arrows and they needed them for when they
hunted for food in the woods.
go,” he said and she wasn’t happy about the fact that she had to leave him to
defend them without her.
she reached the ticket station she quickly went through a hole in the wall that
was barely big enough for her to fit through. She could hear the mumbles of the
two men who were walking through the building they were still too far away from
where she was so she couldn’t hear much of what they were saying. She looked
through the small opening at the window she was standing at Neil next to a
broken down kiosk near the center of the room. Her heart was pounding inside of
her chest it felt as though it would break free. Minutes felt like hours as she
waited to see if the men would bypass them and keep walking. There hadn’t been
a single person as they walked through the city earlier that day so where did
these men come from? She watched Neil carefully as the men began approaching
the center of the room, she was still too far away to hear what they were
saying but as they approached the lighted area she noticed that they were
wearing army fatigues like those she had seen in New London but they also had a
small arsenal of weapons. They were shinning a light around the building as
though they were looking for something and when the light hit her she ducked.
That’s when one of the men shot the glass that was above her head. They had
spotted her from across the room or maybe they thought it was a shadow. Neil
didn’t wait to find out and shot at the two men. The sound of each bullet made
Madison’s heart pound even more. She folded her legs towards her chest and
tried her best not to cry. She knew then that she couldn’t help especially
since her only weapon would have taken a very long time to reload. The tears
began to roll down her face after another bullet had shattered a piece of the
wall near her.
don’t want to die,” she whispered a silent plea when the sound of the bullets
had stopped.
come out,” Neil shouted from the center of the room.
she grabbed their bags and looked out through the shattered window panel and
saw that Neil was still on the ground he was clutching his chest as the blood
began to pour through his hand. Without stopping she jumped over the counter
and ran towards him leaving their heaped on the floor inside.
my god. What happened?” she said the tears falling freely from her face.
got shot at what do you think happened,” he said.
make jokes, not now,” she told him.
I’m not going to be able to go on the rest of this trip with you.”
No” she said silently as he wiped the tears off her face.
need you to do me a favor please.” He said and then began to cough. She knew he
was dying and it scared her even more.
She said in a silent whisper.
my bag there’s a picture of my son…. it was taken a really long time ago…. Can
you find him for me and tell him that I never stopped looking for him and his
sister.” He said coughing between each sentence. All she could do was nodded at
him as the tears started coming down harder. “Before you leave grab as many of
their weapons… And take my gun too…” when he coughed blood started coming out
of his mouth in small splatters. “You’ll do good little lady.” He said to her.
how am I supposed to find him,” she asked but Neil was coughing too much to
try,” he said whispering please in between another coughing fit.
try,” she said even though she knew it was impossible to look for someone based
on a picture.
sat there next to him as he took his last breaths and then stayed there as the
sun set the room on fire with a reddish orange glow.
you.” She whispered to him.
back to the ticket area she jumped over the counter and grabbed their backpacks
and going out through the hole in the wall. She walked back to when the three
men laid and grabbed as much ammunition and weapons that she could carry, and
then worked on consolidating Neil’s things and hers into one bag. She couldn’t
bring herself to take out the photo because it meant that she would have to
face his children. So she turned back to Neil’s lifeless body and took off two
things that would remind her of his sacrifice. His watch which had a compass so
he would always guide her towards the west coast, and his gun even though it
was empty it would remind her that he died protecting her.
find them for you,” she said as she walked out of the building onto the streets
with the sun fading in the distance.
remembering how she made it across the river or into the next state, she just
kept walking forwards only stopping when it was necessary. It wasn’t until the
leaves began to reflect the sun on the day Neil died that she decided that it
was time to face his children. Sitting down by a river somewhere in
Pennsylvania she took a deep breath and took out the picture of Neil’s children
faced down. She closed her eyes and said a silent ‘I’m sorry’ to them before
turning it over. The picture showed a happy couple the woman was holding a
baby, Neil was standing next to her grinning. Madison smiled a little
remembering her friend before looking down at Neil’s son.
My… God…” she said as she saw the little boy. It was her brother, she
remembered the way he looked when he smiled at her when she was a little girl.
was her father.
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