the attacks on public education and move toward privatization of education in The National Commission on Excellence in Education: A Nation at Risk and D. C. Berliner & Biddle
In “A Nation at Risk: The Imperative for Education Reform” by The National Commission on Excellence in Education and “The Manufactured Crisis: Myths, Fraud, and the Attack on America’s Public Schools” by David C. Berliner and Bruce J. Biddle, shows the two different fights in the fight for public education. In the past 30 years the American education system has gone from something that would have rivaled other countries to being placed in the mediocre category. Both passages address the subject differently in ways “A Nation at Risk” suggesting that there are many changes that should be made to education. As well as Berliner and Biddle saying that there is not enough supporting research to back the need of better education. To Berliner and Biddle’s credit their report was written during the 1980’s as was “A Nation at Risk”. Though written thirty years ago both reports can stand true today as well. Is there an att...