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A Rant about Beautiful Creatures

I saw the movie last night. Overall it was a good movie if you've never read the book and only if you've never read the book
If you've never read the book and are going to see the movie watch the movie first because reading it will turn you into me.
Okay first off they changed so much it was hard to tell when the book stopped and Hollywood began creating their own version of that they thought should happen.

1. The school hearing takes place after the window incident why I guess to cut for time I don't know in the book it happens after the dance because by then the amount of random occurrences are higher and more things happen that cause the school to question Lena and whether she's a good influence in the school.
2. Sarafine appears during the meeting when in fact she doesn't reveal herself until the near ending of the book.
3. Amma is black and not his grandmother. Trust me I was pissed that they mixed Amma and Marian into one person because in reality they are two very distinct characters that play two very different roles in Ethan and Lena's lives.
4. They took out the sisters OMG why did they take out the three crazy Aunts that Ethan has I loved their insane thought process and the way they acted.
5. They changed what Ethan and Lena see when they hold the lock hell they changed where the book of moons is kept too. First off Genevieve and Ethan Carter Wate's relationship is explained through a series of past life visions that are triggered when Ethan and Lena touch the locket that once belonged to Genevieve each vision shows the love of a Caster and Human and what happens when Ethan Carter Wate is killed and Genevieve tries to revive him with the book of moons the problem is that it wasn't the correct phase of the moon and he dies and Genevieve curses the line of Duchannes women in the future. Genevieve was buried with the book so no one would find it until Lena and Ethan because she sees the same love in them that she once held herself.
6. The Library Both Regular and Caster..... Okay in the book the Caster Library is only open on days that the regular library is closed holidays like Christmas, Thanksgiving and so on. The entrance to the Caster Library is under the D.A.R. building (the reasons why you would have to read the book because if I told you everything then what would be the fun in reading) The movie shows the library open all the time because why should they keep the original story it's Hollywood. The book of moons according to the movie is in the Library and not in it's resting place with Genevieve. In the book the Book of Moons hasn't been seen since Genevieve used it and everyone thinks that Sarafine has it which is bad.
7. Lena Light or Dark- The prophecy according to the movie in order of the curse to be lifted Ethan has to die......... Okay this is by far the worse miss use of story The fact that Lena can choose herself and the story behind that is taken out. The fact that the movie got it wrong and the curse would end with Lena they got that wrong. Oh and the true prophecy was that if Lena went Dark all of the Light casters in her family would die and if she went Light all of the Dark Casters would die.
8. Macon Ravenwood.... Okay I actually loved him in the movie the only screw ups where in whether he was light or dark because Macon was neither he was actually a succubus who instead of living on people's blood and emotions. he lived by taking their dreams.
9. Lena and Ethan's uncanny ability to hear one another yeah totally taken out of the story in fact they changed their relationship all together in the end. Because when Ethan was supposed to be with Lena for her birthday they changed it so that Lena took away his memories and made sure that he forgot her. Hey Hollywood why you fuck with this.
10. Lena's Birthday was also changed she didn't lock herself away in her room she didn't get that big party with the whole school which Link played with the band.
11. Sixteen Moons the song that plays at the beginning middle ending and everywhere it can in the book is gone because why mess with something
12. Lena isn't supposed to get the chance to choose light or dark in the movie you see her eyes start to change in the book the choice wasn't made because there was no moon on her birthday so she got to keep being a normal girl for another year.
13. Ridley oh Ridley in the movie she's played very well but they took out so much of her spunk hell they took away her lollipops and the incident at the prom and most of her relationship with Linc why because they wanted a siren in the movie and not Ridley
14. The Guardian Angels don't exist in the movie in fact Mrs. Lincoln's role isn't as good as the book her bitchyness is not well represented. Without the school turning against Lena as a whole what point is there to her birthday party at the end hell the affect that the change in these parts of the book greatly hinder the progress of the movie
15. OMG the Hearst I was pissed that she wasn't driving it because it was one of the best parts of the book how people reacted to her driving it to school around town even when she was with Ethan and now it's gone...
16. Lena and Ethan's constant making out in the movie.... Seriously they were doing to this movie what was done to Twilight the characters don't make out that much in fact it takes a while before they even call each other boyfriend and girlfriend.

I can go on and on but these where the biggest annoyances that I had hell there could have been a lot more if I had written this after I saw the movie but I like to sleep.
Seriously read the book it's so much better.


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