History, Language, and 1984 When the government can control everything, who can control the true history of the world? That’s one of the many questions brought up by George Orwell’s novel 1984 , in which the reader follows an average man in a not so average situation. Winston Smith lives in a fantasy world that most western readers wouldn’t think to be real, his life, his job, and the concept of Big Brother are at the center of the story. His job is to alter newspaper articles to match the current history of the storyline, but in the end the history is being rewritten with alternative facts. When the government can control everything, they can also control the flow of information even when the information is false. Through the story we’re introduced to the concept that history is something that existed for a certain time before the new world order took over. There is nothing beyond a certain time period because the past existed but the moment Big Brother took over everythin...