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Showing posts from October, 2012

Analyzing George Orwell’s “Shooting an Elephant”

            In his essay “Shooting an Elephant” George Orwell explains that because of his job as an officer in Burma he got to see “the dirty work of Empire at close quarters”. Orwell assets that even though the Burmese people dislike the British rule they still need and use them to help solve their problems. The problem in the essay is the elephant has gone “must” which has made the animal dangerous to the people of the town. Even though Orwell struggles with what to do in regards to the elephant because the Burmese people have followed him. Through Orwell would rather see what the elephant would do before taking drastic action he decides to shot the elephant because that is what is expected of him as the white man with the gun. Though the reason Orwell decides to kill the elephant is because the crowd laughing at him for not killing the elephant would be worse. After the elephant is dead Orwell concludes that even though...